Photo by Geert Vandepoele, Nijmegen, December 2023



Friday, 10 at 9:30 pm
Angelica, Bologna, Italy
Duo with Terrie Ex

Saturday, 25
Festival of Poetry-Shaped Art, Eindhoven, Netherlands
Performance of works by Greta Monach, solo and with Marie Guilleray


Friday, 7 at 7 pm
Poetry on the Road, Bremen, Germany
Short Performance

Sunday, 9
Musikerinitiative Bremen, Germany
Duo with Hainer Wörmann

Monday, 10 at 8 pm
blurred edges festival, Westwerk, Hamburg, Germany
Solo and with Birgit Ulher


Thursday, 18 at 12:30 pm
Molde Jazz Festival, Norway
Kurt Schwitters Ursonate

Thursday, 18 at 3 pm
Molde Jazz Festival, Norway
Dr Voxoid's Next Move


Thursday, 5
Solo Improvisation Festival, Berlin, Germany
Solo Performance and Collective Improvisation


Between Tuesday, 8 and Thursday, 17
Tour of Eastern Canada


Sunday, 10
Music Unlimited Wels, Austria
Duo with Susana Gartmayer

Saturday, 16
Nordhausen, Germany
Duo with Günter Heinz

Sunday, 17
Saxstall, Porsdorf, Germany
Duo with Günter Heinz

Tuesday, 19 thru Saturday, 30
Tour of South America


Sunday, 1 thru Wednesday, 11
Tour of South America



Monday, 27
räume für notizen, Alte Schmiede, Wien, Austria
Solo Performance